Patient Overview : 2


Frequency of all clinical findings

Percentage Cases
Male 100.0% 2/2
Female 0% 0/2
Birth Length abnormalities 0% 0/0
Birth Weight abnormalities 0% 0/0
Birth Head circumference abnormalities 0% 0/0
Current Height abnormalities 0% 0/0
Current Weight abnormalities 0% 0/0
Current Head circumference abnormalities 0% 0/1
Neurological abnormalities 100.0% 2/2
Central hypotonia 100.0% 2/2
Choreoathetosis 100.0% 2/2
Somnolence 100.0% 2/2
Cerebral palsy 50.0% 1/2
Hyperreflexia 50.0% 1/2
Myoclonus 50.0% 1/2
Brain abnormality 100.0% 2/2
Atrophy/Degeneration affecting the central nervous system 50.0% 1/2
Cerebral atrophy 50.0% 1/2
Cerebral dysmyelination 50.0% 1/2
CNS demyelination 50.0% 1/2
Hypsarrhythmia 50.0% 1/2
Gastrointestinal abnormalities 100.0% 2/2
Failure to thrive 100.0% 2/2