Percentage | Cases | |
Gender | ||
Male | 33.3% | 2/6 |
Female | 66.7% | 4/6 |
General | ||
Birth Length abnormalities | 0% | 0/6 |
Birth Weight abnormalities | 0% | 0/6 |
Birth Head circumference abnormalities | 0% | 0/6 |
Current Height abnormalities | 0% | 0/6 |
Current Weight abnormalities | 0% | 0/6 |
Current Head circumference abnormalities | 0% | 0/6 |
Neurology | ||
Neurological abnormalities | 16.7% | 1/6 |
Delayed myelination | 16.7% | 1/6 |
Brain abnormality | 50.0% | 1/2 |
Abnormality of the cerebellar vermis | 50.0% | 1/2 |
Abnormality of the corpus callosum | 50.0% | 1/2 |
Delayed myelination | 50.0% | 1/2 |
Facial abnormalities | ||
Abnormality of the ear | 33.3% | 2/6 |
Low-set ears | 33.3% | 2/6 |
Abnormality of the eye | 100.0% | 6/6 |
Bilateral ptosis | 66.7% | 4/6 |
Blepharophimosis | 66.7% | 4/6 |
Upslanted palpebral fissure | 66.7% | 4/6 |
Absent eyebrow | 33.3% | 2/6 |
Bilateral microphthalmos | 33.3% | 2/6 |
Hypertelorism | 33.3% | 2/6 |
Sparse eyelashes | 33.3% | 2/6 |
Upper eyelid coloboma | 33.3% | 2/6 |
Abnormality of the nose | 100.0% | 6/6 |
Wide nasal base | 83.3% | 5/6 |
Wide nasal bridge | 83.3% | 5/6 |
Broad columella | 66.7% | 4/6 |
Underdeveloped nasal alae | 33.3% | 2/6 |
Prominent glabella | 16.7% | 1/6 |
Abnormality of the mouth | 100.0% | 6/6 |
Mandibular prognathia | 66.7% | 4/6 |
Smooth philtrum | 66.7% | 4/6 |
Bilateral cleft lip | 33.3% | 2/6 |
Cleft palate | 33.3% | 2/6 |
Prominent glabella | 16.7% | 1/6 |
Visual and hearing impairments | ||
Abnormal vision | 20.0% | 1/5 |
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the optic nerve | 20.0% | 1/5 |
Skeleton | ||
Skeletal abnormalities | 100.0% | 2/2 |
Abnormality of the frontal bone | 100.0% | 2/2 |
Brachycephaly | 50.0% | 1/2 |
Caudal appendage | 50.0% | 1/2 |
Posterior plagiocephaly | 50.0% | 1/2 |