Patient Overview : 109


Frequency of all clinical findings

Percentage Cases
Male 70.6% 77/109
Female 29.4% 32/109
Indifferent 0% 0/109
Unknown 0% 0/109
Birth Length abnormalities 0% 0/164
Birth Weight abnormalities 7.2% 12/167
> P98 : Large for gestational age 6.0% 10/167
< P3 : Small for gestational age 1.2% 2/167
Birth Head circumference abnormalities 9.1% 15/164
> P98 : Macrocephaly at birth 9.1% 15/164
Current Height abnormalities 47.0% 78/166
> P98 : Tall stature 46.4% 77/166
< P3 : Short stature 0.6% 1/166
Current Weight abnormalities 28.9% 48/166
> P98 : Increased body weight 28.3% 47/166
< P3 : Decreased body weight 0.6% 1/166
Current Head circumference abnormalities 49.4% 88/178
> P98 : Macrocephaly 47.2% 84/178
< P3 : Microcephaly 2.2% 4/178
Neurological abnormalities 56.6% 47/83
Generalized hypotonia 22.9% 19/83
Seizures 9.6% 8/83
Abnormality of coordination 6.0% 5/83
Global developmental delay 4.8% 4/83
Neurodevelopmental delay 4.8% 4/83
Clumsiness 3.6% 3/83
Muscular hypotonia 3.6% 3/83
Absent speech 2.4% 2/83
Ataxia 2.4% 2/83
Decreased facial expression 2.4% 2/83
Difficulty walking 2.4% 2/83
Febrile seizures 2.4% 2/83
Hernia 2.4% 2/83
Hypomimic face 2.4% 2/83
Increased muscle fatiguability 2.4% 2/83
Motor delay 2.4% 2/83
Neurodevelopmental abnormality 2.4% 2/83
Sleep disturbance 2.4% 2/83
Weak voice 2.4% 2/83
Absence seizures 1.2% 1/83
Cerebral palsy 1.2% 1/83
Cognitive impairment 1.2% 1/83
Complex febrile seizures 1.2% 1/83
EEG abnormality 1.2% 1/83
EEG with centrotemporal focal spike waves 1.2% 1/83
Focal seizures 1.2% 1/83
Focal seizures, afebril 1.2% 1/83
Generalized tonic-clonic seizures 1.2% 1/83
Headache 1.2% 1/83
Impaired pain sensation 1.2% 1/83
Myopathic facies 1.2% 1/83
Neonatal hypotonia 1.2% 1/83
Normal interictal EEG 1.2% 1/83
Poor motor coordination 1.2% 1/83
Poor coordination 1.2% 1/83
Poor hand-eye coordination 1.2% 1/83
Poor fine motor coordination 1.2% 1/83
Postural instability 1.2% 1/83
Simple febrile seizures 1.2% 1/83
Sleep-wake cycle disturbance 1.2% 1/83
Vertigo 1.2% 1/83
Behavioral problems 86.3% 88/102
Autism 55.9% 57/102
Short attention span 26.5% 27/102
Insomnia 17.6% 18/102
Impaired social interactions 15.7% 16/102
Poor eye contact 13.7% 14/102
Repetitive compulsive behavior 12.7% 13/102
Autistic behavior 10.8% 11/102
Behavioral abnormality 10.8% 11/102
Sleep disturbance 10.8% 11/102
Abnormal social behavior 8.8% 9/102
Stereotypic behavior 8.8% 9/102
Aggressive behavior 6.9% 7/102
Anxiety 6.9% 7/102
Self-injurious behavior 5.9% 6/102
Abnormal emotion/affect behavior 4.9% 5/102
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 4.9% 5/102
Irritability 4.9% 5/102
Abnormal fear/anxiety-related behavior 3.9% 4/102
Depression 3.9% 4/102
Hyperactivity 3.9% 4/102
Abnormal aggressive, impulsive or violent behavior 2.9% 3/102
Global developmental delay 2.9% 3/102
Impaired social reciprocity 2.9% 3/102
Inappropriate crying 2.9% 3/102
Lack of peer relationships 2.9% 3/102
Delusions 2.0% 2/102
Echolalia 2.0% 2/102
Psychosis 2.0% 2/102
Anorexia 1.0% 1/102
Auditory hallucinations 1.0% 1/102
Enuresis 1.0% 1/102
Excessive daytime sleepiness 1.0% 1/102
Hearing abnormality 1.0% 1/102
Impaired use of nonverbal behaviors 1.0% 1/102
Inflexible adherence to routines or rituals 1.0% 1/102
Lack of spontaneous play 1.0% 1/102
Memory impairment 1.0% 1/102
Motor tics 1.0% 1/102
Obsessive-compulsive behavior 1.0% 1/102
Pica 1.0% 1/102
Schizophrenia 1.0% 1/102
Self-mutilation 1.0% 1/102
Brain abnormality 21.7% 15/69
EEG abnormality 5.8% 4/69
Ventriculomegaly 5.8% 4/69
Abnormality of the cerebral white matter 4.3% 3/69
Abnormality of the calvaria 1.4% 1/69
Abnormal brain FDG positron emission tomography 1.4% 1/69
Abnormality of the septum pellucidum 1.4% 1/69
Absent septum pellucidum 1.4% 1/69
Cerebellar cyst 1.4% 1/69
Cerebral cortical atrophy 1.4% 1/69
Delayed CNS myelination 1.4% 1/69
Hydrocephalus 1.4% 1/69
Morphological abnormality of the central nervous system 1.4% 1/69
Facial abnormalities    
Abnormality of the ear 31.3% 20/64
Macrotia 12.5% 8/64
Large earlobe 9.4% 6/64
Posteriorly rotated ears 4.7% 3/64
Low-set ears 3.1% 2/64
Attached earlobe 1.6% 1/64
Cupped ear 1.6% 1/64
Large fleshy ears 1.6% 1/64
Otitis media 1.6% 1/64
Pointed helix 1.6% 1/64
Preauricular skin tag 1.6% 1/64
Recurrent otitis media 1.6% 1/64
Underfolded helix 1.6% 1/64
Uplifted earlobe 1.6% 1/64
Abnormality of the eye 56.7% 38/67
Downslanted palpebral fissures 25.4% 17/67
Hypertelorism 25.4% 17/67
Prominent supraorbital ridges 17.9% 12/67
Periorbital fullness 4.5% 3/67
Strabismus 4.5% 3/67
Congenital ptosis 3.0% 2/67
Deeply set eye 3.0% 2/67
Epicanthus 3.0% 2/67
Ptosis 3.0% 2/67
Abnormal conjugate eye movement 1.5% 1/67
Cataract 1.5% 1/67
Esotropia 1.5% 1/67
Exotropia 1.5% 1/67
Glaucoma 1.5% 1/67
Iris atrophy 1.5% 1/67
Long palpebral fissure 1.5% 1/67
Long eyelashes 1.5% 1/67
Medial flaring of the eyebrow 1.5% 1/67
Proptosis 1.5% 1/67
Telecanthus 1.5% 1/67
Underdeveloped supraorbital ridges 1.5% 1/67
Upslanted palpebral fissure 1.5% 1/67
Abnormality of the nose 31.7% 20/63
Wide nose 11.1% 7/63
Abnormality of the external nose 4.8% 3/63
Wide nasal bridge 4.8% 3/63
Anteverted nares 3.2% 2/63
Prominent nasal tip 3.2% 2/63
Broad nasal tip 1.6% 1/63
Convex nasal ridge 1.6% 1/63
Depressed nasal bridge 1.6% 1/63
Long philtrum 1.6% 1/63
Pear-shaped nose 1.6% 1/63
Short nose 1.6% 1/63
Thick nasal alae 1.6% 1/63
Abnormality of the mouth 22.0% 13/59
High palate 10.2% 6/59
Long philtrum 5.1% 3/59
Thick lower lip vermilion 3.4% 2/59
Thin upper lip vermilion 3.4% 2/59
Abnormality of the teeth 1.7% 1/59
Abnormality of the gingiva 1.7% 1/59
Abnormality of dental color 1.7% 1/59
Bifid uvula 1.7% 1/59
Downturned corners of mouth 1.7% 1/59
Open mouth 1.7% 1/59
Open bite 1.7% 1/59
Smooth philtrum 1.7% 1/59
Thick vermilion border 1.7% 1/59
Visual and hearing impairments    
Abnormal hearing 7.9% 5/63
Abnormality of the ear 1.6% 1/63
Behavioral abnormality 1.6% 1/63
Hearing impairment 1.6% 1/63
Hypermetropia 1.6% 1/63
Mild hearing impairment 1.6% 1/63
Abnormal vision 11.5% 7/61
Myopia 9.8% 6/61
Abnormality of vision 1.6% 1/61
Astigmatism 1.6% 1/61
Abnormality of the heart 10.5% 6/57
Patent foramen ovale 3.5% 2/57
Cardiomegaly 1.8% 1/57
Heart murmur 1.8% 1/57
Hypertension 1.8% 1/57
Left ventricular septal hypertrophy 1.8% 1/57
Mitral regurgitation 1.8% 1/57
Right ventricular dilatation 1.8% 1/57
Gastrointestinal abnormalities 50.0% 36/72
Constipation 27.8% 20/72
Diarrhea 9.7% 7/72
Gastroesophageal reflux 6.9% 5/72
Abnormality of the gastrointestinal tract 5.6% 4/72
Chronic diarrhea 4.2% 3/72
Abdominal pain 2.8% 2/72
Chronic constipation 2.8% 2/72
Feeding difficulties 2.8% 2/72
Abdominal distention 1.4% 1/72
Abnormality of the duodenum 1.4% 1/72
Anal fissure 1.4% 1/72
Bowel incontinence 1.4% 1/72
Dysphagia 1.4% 1/72
Esophagitis 1.4% 1/72
Functional abnormality of the gastrointestinal tract 1.4% 1/72
Inflammation of the large intestine 1.4% 1/72
Intermittent diarrhea 1.4% 1/72
Pyloric stenosis 1.4% 1/72
Vomiting 1.4% 1/72
Abnormality of the urogenital system 14.8% 9/61
Cryptorchidism 4.9% 3/61
Hydrocele testis 3.3% 2/61
Macroorchidism 3.3% 2/61
Abnormality of the kidney 1.6% 1/61
Uterine leiomyoma 1.6% 1/61
Skeletal abnormalities 52.9% 36/68
Pes planus 17.6% 12/68
Abnormality of the teeth 4.4% 3/68
Joint hypermobility 4.4% 3/68
Scoliosis 4.4% 3/68
Thoracolumbar scoliosis 4.4% 3/68
Abnormality of the knees 2.9% 2/68
Abnormal jaw morphology 2.9% 2/68
Accelerated skeletal maturation 2.9% 2/68
Arachnodactyly 2.9% 2/68
Clinodactyly of the 5th finger 2.9% 2/68
Large hands 2.9% 2/68
Long foot 2.9% 2/68
Pectus excavatum 2.9% 2/68
Premature loss of primary teeth 2.9% 2/68
Thoracic kyphosis 2.9% 2/68
Abnormality of the calvaria 1.5% 1/68
Abnormality of the sternum 1.5% 1/68
Abnormality of limbs 1.5% 1/68
Ankle swelling 1.5% 1/68
Broad phalanges of the hand 1.5% 1/68
Dysharmonic accelerated bone age 1.5% 1/68
Flexion contracture of finger 1.5% 1/68
Generalized joint laxity 1.5% 1/68
Hand muscle weakness 1.5% 1/68
Hemihypotrophy of lower limb 1.5% 1/68
Hemihypertrophy 1.5% 1/68
Hernia 1.5% 1/68
Hip dysplasia 1.5% 1/68
Increased laxity of ankles 1.5% 1/68
Increased arm span 1.5% 1/68
Joint laxity 1.5% 1/68
Kyphosis 1.5% 1/68
Long toe 1.5% 1/68
Long fingers 1.5% 1/68
Lumbar hyperlordosis 1.5% 1/68
Marked delay in bone age 1.5% 1/68
Posterior plagiocephaly 1.5% 1/68
Rheumatoid arthritis 1.5% 1/68
Sandal gap 1.5% 1/68
Scapular winging 1.5% 1/68
Short fourth metatarsal 1.5% 1/68
Short foot 1.5% 1/68
Short finger 1.5% 1/68
Short third metatarsal 1.5% 1/68
Short palm 1.5% 1/68
Short 4th metacarpal 1.5% 1/68
Stiff interphalangeal joints 1.5% 1/68
Talipes valgus 1.5% 1/68
Tall stature 1.5% 1/68
Toe walking 1.5% 1/68
Widely spaced teeth 1.5% 1/68
2-3 toe cutaneous syndactyly 1.5% 1/68
Skin / Hair / Nails    
Abnormality of the skin/hair/nails 22.4% 13/58
Striae distensae 6.9% 4/58
Abnormal hair whorl 1.7% 1/58
Eczema 1.7% 1/58
Epidermal nevus 1.7% 1/58
Few cafe-au-lait spots 1.7% 1/58
Fibroma 1.7% 1/58
Hyperpigmentation of the skin 1.7% 1/58
Hyperextensible skin 1.7% 1/58
Hypopigmentation of the skin 1.7% 1/58
Misalignment of teeth 1.7% 1/58
Nevus flammeus of the forehead 1.7% 1/58
Preauricular skin tag 1.7% 1/58
Psoriasis 1.7% 1/58
Seborrheic dermatitis 1.7% 1/58
Urticaria 1.7% 1/58
Endocrine / Immunological / Metabolic    
Abnormality of the endocrine system 10.9% 6/55
Hypothyroidism 3.6% 2/55
Precocious puberty 3.6% 2/55
Diabetes mellitus 1.8% 1/55
Graves disease 1.8% 1/55
Abnormality of the metabolic system 10.7% 6/56
Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia 8.9% 5/56
Type I diabetes mellitus 1.8% 1/56
Abnormality of the immune system 10.9% 6/55
Food intolerance 3.6% 2/55
Gluten intolerance 3.6% 2/55
Abnormality of the auditory canal 1.8% 1/55
Episodic fever 1.8% 1/55
Neutropenia 1.8% 1/55
Precocious puberty 1.8% 1/55
Recurrent infections 1.8% 1/55
Recurrent otitis media 1.8% 1/55
Unexplained fevers 1.8% 1/55
Neoplasia 6.8% 4/59
Glabellar hemangioma 5.1% 3/59
Fibrosarcoma 1.7% 1/59