Patient Overview : 24


Frequency of all clinical findings

Percentage Cases
Male 66.7% 16/24
Female 33.3% 8/24
Birth Length abnormalities 4.2% 1/24
< P3 : Birth length less than 3rd percentile 4.2% 1/24
Birth Weight abnormalities 4.2% 1/24
< P3 : Small for gestational age 4.2% 1/24
Birth Head circumference abnormalities 4.2% 1/24
< P3 : Congenital microcephaly 4.2% 1/24
Current Height abnormalities 16.7% 4/24
< P3 : Short stature 16.7% 4/24
Current Weight abnormalities 20.8% 5/24
< P3 : Decreased body weight 20.8% 5/24
Current Head circumference abnormalities 37.5% 9/24
< P3 : Microcephaly 37.5% 9/24
Neurological abnormalities 95.8% 23/24
Muscular hypotonia of the trunk 50.0% 12/24
Epileptic encephalopathy 41.7% 10/24
Epileptic spasms 29.2% 7/24
Generalized tonic-clonic seizures 29.2% 7/24
Generalized hypotonia 25.0% 6/24
Generalized tonic seizures 25.0% 6/24
Hypsarrhythmia 25.0% 6/24
Lower limb spasticity 25.0% 6/24
Absence seizures 20.8% 5/24
Atypical absence seizures 16.7% 4/24
EEG abnormality 16.7% 4/24
Multifocal epileptiform discharges 16.7% 4/24
Upper limb spasticity 16.7% 4/24
EEG with generalized slow activity 12.5% 3/24
Myoclonus 12.5% 3/24
Status epilepticus 12.5% 3/24
Dystonia 8.3% 2/24
EEG with spike-wave complexes 8.3% 2/24
Epileptiform EEG discharges 8.3% 2/24
Febrile seizures 8.3% 2/24
Focal seizures with impairment of consciousness or awareness 8.3% 2/24
Generalized clonic seizures 8.3% 2/24
Abnormality of movement 4.2% 1/24
Abnormality of eye movement 4.2% 1/24
Atonic seizures 4.2% 1/24
Dyskinesia 4.2% 1/24
EEG with generalized spikes 4.2% 1/24
EEG with intermittent slow activity 4.2% 1/24
EEG with generalized epileptiform discharges 4.2% 1/24
EEG with burst suppression 4.2% 1/24
EEG with focal epileptiform discharges 4.2% 1/24
EEG with generalized sharp slow waves 4.2% 1/24
EEG with focal sharp slow waves 4.2% 1/24
EEG with temporal sharp slow waves 4.2% 1/24
EEG with irregular generalized spike and wave complexes 4.2% 1/24
EEG with spike-wave complexes (<2.5 Hz) 4.2% 1/24
Encephalopathy 4.2% 1/24
Eyelid myoclonias 4.2% 1/24
Focal myoclonic seizures 4.2% 1/24
Focal seizures without impairment of consciousness or awareness 4.2% 1/24
Gelastic seizures 4.2% 1/24
Generalized myoclonic seizures 4.2% 1/24
Hemihypsarrhythmia 4.2% 1/24
Hyporeflexia 4.2% 1/24
Muscle weakness 4.2% 1/24
Muscular hypotonia 4.2% 1/24
Progressive microcephaly 4.2% 1/24
Severe muscular hypotonia 4.2% 1/24
Behavioral problems 75.0% 18/24
Sleep disturbance 41.7% 10/24
Stereotypic behavior 20.8% 5/24
Paroxysmal bursts of laughter 16.7% 4/24
Aggressive behavior 12.5% 3/24
Autistic behavior 12.5% 3/24
Self-injurious behavior 12.5% 3/24
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 8.3% 2/24
Abnormal aggressive, impulsive or violent behavior 4.2% 1/24
Anxiety 4.2% 1/24
Behavioral abnormality 4.2% 1/24
Echolalia 4.2% 1/24
Excessive daytime sleepiness 4.2% 1/24
Hyperorality 4.2% 1/24
Hyperactivity 4.2% 1/24
Insomnia 4.2% 1/24
Shyness 4.2% 1/24
Sleep-wake cycle disturbance 4.2% 1/24
Stereotypical body rocking 4.2% 1/24
Brain abnormality 56.5% 13/23
Cerebral atrophy 13.0% 3/23
Focal T2 hyperintense basal ganglia lesion 13.0% 3/23
Hypoplasia of the frontal lobes 8.7% 2/23
Widened subarachnoid space 8.7% 2/23
Abnormality of the cerebral cortex 4.3% 1/23
Cerebellar atrophy 4.3% 1/23
Cerebral white matter atrophy 4.3% 1/23
Cerebral hypomyelination 4.3% 1/23
Cortical gyral simplification 4.3% 1/23
Diffuse cerebral atrophy 4.3% 1/23
Focal T2 hyperintense thalamic lesion 4.3% 1/23
Focal T2 hyperintense brainstem lesion 4.3% 1/23
Frontal cortical atrophy 4.3% 1/23
Frontotemporal cerebral atrophy 4.3% 1/23
Hypoplasia of the corpus callosum 4.3% 1/23
Periventricular leukomalacia 4.3% 1/23
Perivascular spaces 4.3% 1/23
Prominent metopic ridge 4.3% 1/23
Temporal cortical atrophy 4.3% 1/23
Facial abnormalities    
Abnormality of the ear 52.2% 12/23
Large earlobe 30.4% 7/23
Posteriorly rotated ears 13.0% 3/23
Long ear 4.3% 1/23
Low-set ears 4.3% 1/23
Low-set, posteriorly rotated ears 4.3% 1/23
Overfolded helix 4.3% 1/23
Abnormality of the eye 65.2% 15/23
Hypertelorism 26.1% 6/23
Deeply set eye 21.7% 5/23
Upslanted palpebral fissure 17.4% 4/23
Downslanted palpebral fissures 13.0% 3/23
Highly arched eyebrow 8.7% 2/23
Long eyelashes 8.7% 2/23
Periorbital fullness 8.7% 2/23
Sparse eyebrow 8.7% 2/23
Almond-shaped palpebral fissure 4.3% 1/23
Epicanthus 4.3% 1/23
Medial flaring of the eyebrow 4.3% 1/23
Ptosis 4.3% 1/23
Small palpebral fissure 4.3% 1/23
Abnormality of the nose 30.4% 7/23
Bulbous nose 13.0% 3/23
Depressed nasal bridge 8.7% 2/23
Broad nasal tip 4.3% 1/23
Broad columella 4.3% 1/23
Large beaked nose 4.3% 1/23
Narrow nasal ridge 4.3% 1/23
Abnormality of the mouth 60.9% 14/23
Thick lower lip vermilion 21.7% 5/23
Thick upper lip vermilion 21.7% 5/23
Open mouth 13.0% 3/23
Thin upper lip vermilion 13.0% 3/23
Widely spaced teeth 13.0% 3/23
Diastema 8.7% 2/23
Everted lower lip vermilion 8.7% 2/23
High, narrow palate 8.7% 2/23
Microdontia 8.7% 2/23
Narrow mouth 8.7% 2/23
Wide mouth 8.7% 2/23
Gingival overgrowth 4.3% 1/23
Misalignment of teeth 4.3% 1/23
Protruding ear 4.3% 1/23
Visual and hearing impairments    
Abnormal hearing 4.5% 1/22
Absence of acoustic reflex 4.5% 1/22
Abnormal vision 60.9% 14/23
Hypermetropia 21.7% 5/23
Strabismus 21.7% 5/23
Cortical visual impairment 13.0% 3/23
Exotropia 8.7% 2/23
Optic atrophy 8.7% 2/23
Abnormality of the retina 4.3% 1/23
Astigmatism 4.3% 1/23
Myopia 4.3% 1/23
Optic nerve hypoplasia 4.3% 1/23
Visual impairment 4.3% 1/23
Abnormality of the heart 16.7% 4/24
Arrhythmia 4.2% 1/24
Atria septal defect 4.2% 1/24
Patent foramen ovale 4.2% 1/24
Secundum atrial septal defect 4.2% 1/24
Sinus bradycardia 4.2% 1/24
Abnormality of the lungs 25.0% 6/24
Recurrent respiratory infections 16.7% 4/24
Asthma 8.3% 2/24
Cough 4.2% 1/24
Laryngeal cleft 4.2% 1/24
Laryngomalacia 4.2% 1/24
Obstructive sleep apnea 4.2% 1/24
Stridor 4.2% 1/24
Gastrointestinal abnormalities 75.0% 18/24
Dysphagia 29.2% 7/24
Gastrostomy tube feeding in infancy 29.2% 7/24
Chewing difficulties 16.7% 4/24
Constipation 12.5% 3/24
Poor suck 12.5% 3/24
Gastroesophageal reflux 8.3% 2/24
Excessive salivation 4.2% 1/24
Failure to thrive 4.2% 1/24
Nasogastric tube feeding in infancy 4.2% 1/24
Abnormality of the urogenital system 25.0% 6/24
Cryptorchidism 8.3% 2/24
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the bladder 4.2% 1/24
Nephrolithiasis 4.2% 1/24
Recurrent urinary tract infections 4.2% 1/24
Vesicoureteral reflux 4.2% 1/24
Skeletal abnormalities 66.7% 16/24
Tapered finger 16.7% 4/24
Joint hypermobility 12.5% 3/24
Genu varum 8.3% 2/24
Long fingers 8.3% 2/24
Osteopenia 8.3% 2/24
Overlapping toe 8.3% 2/24
Pectus excavatum 8.3% 2/24
Pes planus 8.3% 2/24
Plagiocephaly 8.3% 2/24
Scoliosis 8.3% 2/24
Brachycephaly 4.2% 1/24
Broad toe 4.2% 1/24
Broad distal phalanx of finger 4.2% 1/24
Clinodactyly of the 5th finger 4.2% 1/24
Elbow flexion contracture 4.2% 1/24
Flat occiput 4.2% 1/24
Hip Subluxation 4.2% 1/24
Long toe 4.2% 1/24
Marked delay in bone age 4.2% 1/24
Narrow foot 4.2% 1/24
Recurrent fractures 4.2% 1/24
Thoracolumbar scoliosis 4.2% 1/24
Skin / Hair / Nails    
Abnormality of the skin/hair/nails 25.0% 6/24
Abnormality of skin pigmentation 4.2% 1/24
Cafe-au-lait spot 4.2% 1/24
Delayed eruption of teeth 4.2% 1/24
Fragile nails 4.2% 1/24
Freckling 4.2% 1/24
Low posterior hairline 4.2% 1/24
Slow-growing hair 4.2% 1/24
Sparse scalp hair 4.2% 1/24
Striae distensae 4.2% 1/24
Endocrine / Immunological / Metabolic    
Abnormality of the endocrine system 4.2% 1/24
Vitamin D deficiency 4.2% 1/24
Abnormality of the metabolic system 8.3% 2/24
Abnormality of the cerebrospinal fluid 4.2% 1/24
Decreased CSF homovanillic acid (HVA) 4.2% 1/24
Hypertyrosinemia 4.2% 1/24
Hyperammonemia 4.2% 1/24
Abnormality of the immune system 16.7% 4/24
Neutropenia 12.5% 3/24
Recurrent otitis media 4.2% 1/24