Patient Overview : 7


Frequency of all clinical findings

Percentage Cases
Male 14.3% 1/7
Female 85.7% 6/7
Indifferent 0% 0/7
Unknown 0% 0/7
Birth Length abnormalities 0% 0/7
Birth Weight abnormalities 0% 0/7
Birth Head circumference abnormalities 0% 0/7
Current Height abnormalities 14.3% 1/7
< P3 : Short stature 14.3% 1/7
Current Weight abnormalities 0% 0/7
Current Head circumference abnormalities 14.3% 1/7
> P98 : Macrocephaly 14.3% 1/7
Neurological abnormalities 85.7% 6/7
EEG abnormality 14.3% 1/7
Encephalopathy 14.3% 1/7
Hyporeflexia 14.3% 1/7
Behavioral problems 66.7% 2/3
Pica 33.3% 1/3
Self-injurious behavior 33.3% 1/3
Stereotypic behavior 33.3% 1/3
Brain abnormality 83.3% 5/6
Delayed myelination 16.7% 1/6
Facial abnormalities    
Abnormality of the eye 50.0% 1/2
Hyperopic astigmatism 50.0% 1/2
Nasolacrimal duct obstruction 50.0% 1/2
Visual and hearing impairments    
Abnormal hearing 28.6% 2/7
Bilateral sensorineural hearing impairment 14.3% 1/7
Severe sensorineural hearing impairment 14.3% 1/7
Abnormal vision 28.6% 2/7
Hyperopic astigmatism 14.3% 1/7
Abnormality of the heart 100.0% 1/1
Hyporeflexia 100.0% 1/1