Gender |
Male |
53.3% |
8/15 |
Female |
46.7% |
7/15 |
Indifferent |
0% |
0/15 |
Unknown |
0% |
0/15 |
General |
Birth Length abnormalities |
13.3% |
2/15 |
< P3 : Birth length less than 3rd percentile |
13.3% |
2/15 |
Birth Weight abnormalities |
46.7% |
7/15 |
< P3 : Small for gestational age |
46.7% |
7/15 |
Birth Head circumference abnormalities |
0% |
0/15 |
Current Height abnormalities |
26.7% |
4/15 |
< P3 : Short stature |
26.7% |
4/15 |
Current Weight abnormalities |
13.3% |
2/15 |
< P3 : Decreased body weight |
13.3% |
2/15 |
Current Head circumference abnormalities |
26.7% |
4/15 |
< P3 : Microcephaly |
26.7% |
4/15 |
Neurology |
Neurological abnormalities |
93.3% |
14/15 |
Muscular hypotonia |
53.3% |
8/15 |
Hypertonia |
26.7% |
4/15 |
Obstructive sleep apnea |
20.0% |
3/15 |
Poor coordination |
20.0% |
3/15 |
Seizures |
20.0% |
3/15 |
Sleep disturbance |
13.3% |
2/15 |
Spastic diplegia |
13.3% |
2/15 |
Torticollis |
13.3% |
2/15 |
Choreoathetosis |
6.7% |
1/15 |
Dysarthria |
6.7% |
1/15 |
EEG abnormality |
6.7% |
1/15 |
Facial hypotonia |
6.7% |
1/15 |
Gait imbalance |
6.7% |
1/15 |
Gait disturbance |
6.7% |
1/15 |
Myopathic facies |
6.7% |
1/15 |
Behavioral problems |
71.4% |
10/14 |
Absent speech |
28.6% |
4/14 |
Anxiety |
14.3% |
2/14 |
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder |
14.3% |
2/14 |
Poor eye contact |
14.3% |
2/14 |
Autistic behavior |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Autism |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Clumsiness |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Impaired social interactions |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Impulsivity |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Self-injurious behavior |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Short attention span |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Shyness |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Sleep disturbance |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Stereotypic behavior |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Brain abnormality |
80.0% |
12/15 |
Abnormality of the cerebral white matter |
66.7% |
10/15 |
Polymicrogyria |
26.7% |
4/15 |
Ventriculomegaly |
20.0% |
3/15 |
Abnormality of the third ventricle |
6.7% |
1/15 |
Abnormal cortical gyration |
6.7% |
1/15 |
Abnormality of the fourth ventricle |
6.7% |
1/15 |
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the corpus callosum |
6.7% |
1/15 |
Cavum septum pellucidum |
6.7% |
1/15 |
Cerebellar vermis hypoplasia |
6.7% |
1/15 |
Perisylvian polymicrogyria |
6.7% |
1/15 |
Perivascular spaces |
6.7% |
1/15 |
Facial abnormalities |
Abnormality of the ear |
100.0% |
15/15 |
Satyr ear |
80.0% |
12/15 |
Low-set ears |
66.7% |
10/15 |
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the external ear |
46.7% |
7/15 |
Small earlobe |
13.3% |
2/15 |
Angulated antihelix |
6.7% |
1/15 |
Cleft helix |
6.7% |
1/15 |
Crumpled ear |
6.7% |
1/15 |
Low-set, posteriorly rotated ears |
6.7% |
1/15 |
Protruding ear |
6.7% |
1/15 |
Small palpebral fissure |
6.7% |
1/15 |
Stenosis of the external auditory canal |
6.7% |
1/15 |
Underdeveloped antitragus |
6.7% |
1/15 |
Abnormality of the eye |
100.0% |
14/14 |
Periorbital fullness |
85.7% |
12/14 |
Small palpebral fissure |
78.6% |
11/14 |
Short palpebral fissure |
21.4% |
3/14 |
Downslanted palpebral fissures |
14.3% |
2/14 |
Abnormality of the eyelid |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Blepharophimosis |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Epicanthus |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Hypertelorism |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Telecanthus |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Upslanted palpebral fissure |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Abnormality of the nose |
80.0% |
12/15 |
Prominent nasal tip |
66.7% |
10/15 |
Anteverted nares |
13.3% |
2/15 |
Depressed nasal bridge |
6.7% |
1/15 |
Abnormality of the mouth |
86.7% |
13/15 |
Narrow mouth |
53.3% |
8/15 |
Mandibular prognathia |
46.7% |
7/15 |
High palate |
40.0% |
6/15 |
Thin upper lip vermilion |
33.3% |
5/15 |
Dental malocclusion |
26.7% |
4/15 |
Downturned corners of mouth |
20.0% |
3/15 |
Dental crowding |
13.3% |
2/15 |
Microdontia |
13.3% |
2/15 |
Bifid uvula |
6.7% |
1/15 |
Misalignment of teeth |
6.7% |
1/15 |
Open mouth |
6.7% |
1/15 |
Osteolysis |
6.7% |
1/15 |
Widely spaced teeth |
6.7% |
1/15 |
Visual and hearing impairments |
Abnormal hearing |
80.0% |
8/10 |
Conductive hearing impairment |
60.0% |
6/10 |
Hearing impairment |
10.0% |
1/10 |
Mild conductive hearing impairment |
10.0% |
1/10 |
Sensorineural hearing impairment |
10.0% |
1/10 |
Abnormal vision |
35.7% |
5/14 |
Astigmatism |
14.3% |
2/14 |
Exotropia |
14.3% |
2/14 |
Anisometropia |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Hypermetropia |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Photophobia |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Strabismus |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Heart |
Abnormality of the heart |
85.7% |
12/14 |
Patent ductus arteriosus |
35.7% |
5/14 |
Abnormality of the atrial septum |
21.4% |
3/14 |
Aortic dilatation |
14.3% |
2/14 |
Aortic root dilatation |
14.3% |
2/14 |
Abnormality of the left ventricle |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Aortic regurgitation |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Ascending aortic dilation |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Atria septal defect |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Dilatation of the ascending aorta |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Mitral regurgitation |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Mitral valve prolapse |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Pulmonary insufficiency |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Secundum atrial septal defect |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Supraventricular tachycardia |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Syncope |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Tricuspid valve prolapse |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Tricuspid regurgitation |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Pulmonary |
Abnormality of the lungs |
14.3% |
2/14 |
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia |
14.3% |
2/14 |
Gastrointestinal |
Gastrointestinal abnormalities |
85.7% |
12/14 |
Constipation |
57.1% |
8/14 |
Gastroesophageal reflux |
50.0% |
7/14 |
Bowel incontinence |
14.3% |
2/14 |
Allergy |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Chronic constipation |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Drooling |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Feeding difficulties in infancy |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Urinary incontinence |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Urogenital |
Abnormality of the urogenital system |
28.6% |
4/14 |
Cryptorchidism |
21.4% |
3/14 |
Duplicated collecting system |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Skeleton |
Skeletal abnormalities |
100.0% |
14/14 |
Thoracic kyphosis |
21.4% |
3/14 |
Arachnodactyly |
14.3% |
2/14 |
Long thorax |
14.3% |
2/14 |
Overlapping toe |
14.3% |
2/14 |
Pectus excavatum |
14.3% |
2/14 |
Vertebral hypoplasia |
14.3% |
2/14 |
Abnormality of the hallux |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Adducted thumb |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Calcaneovalgus deformity |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Camptodactyly of 2nd-5th fingers |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Contractures involving the joints of the feet |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Coxa valga |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Delayed epiphyseal ossification |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Delayed skeletal maturation |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Flexion contracture of 3rd toe |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Flexion contracture of the 4th toe |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Hyperlordosis |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Increased vertebral height |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Kyphoscoliosis |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Long toe |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Lumbar hyperlordosis |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Marked delay in bone age |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Metatarsus adductus |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Narrow palm |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Narrow chest |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Pectus carinatum |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Pes cavus |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Pes planus |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Plantar flexion contractures |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Prominent proximal interphalangeal joints |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Pseudoepiphyses of the metacarpals |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Sacral segmentation defect |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Scoliosis |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Short foot |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Single transverse palmar crease |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Slender long bone |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Small hand |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Tapered finger |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Tapering pointed ends of distal finger phalanges |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Thoracic scoliosis |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Thoracolumbar kyphosis |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Toe clinodactyly |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Valgus foot deformity |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Skin / Hair / Nails |
Abnormality of the skin/hair/nails |
100.0% |
13/13 |
Sparse scalp hair |
100.0% |
13/13 |
Hemangioma |
15.4% |
2/13 |
Long eyelashes |
15.4% |
2/13 |
Melanocytic nevus |
15.4% |
2/13 |
Dystrophic toenail |
7.7% |
1/13 |
Facial hemangioma |
7.7% |
1/13 |
Lumbar hypertrichosis |
7.7% |
1/13 |
Medial flaring of the eyebrow |
7.7% |
1/13 |
Redundant neck skin |
7.7% |
1/13 |
Synophrys |
7.7% |
1/13 |
Endocrine / Immunological / Metabolic |
Abnormality of the metabolic system |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Dehydration |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Hypoglycemia |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Metabolic acidosis |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Abnormality of the immune system |
35.7% |
5/14 |
Recurrent respiratory infections |
28.6% |
4/14 |
Otitis media |
7.1% |
1/14 |
Recurrent otitis media |
7.1% |
1/14 |