Gender |
Male |
51.5% |
34/66 |
Female |
48.5% |
32/66 |
General |
Birth Length abnormalities |
1.5% |
1/66 |
> P98 : Birth length greater than 97th percentile |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Birth Weight abnormalities |
3.0% |
2/66 |
> P98 : Large for gestational age |
3.0% |
2/66 |
Birth Head circumference abnormalities |
1.5% |
1/66 |
< P3 : Congenital microcephaly |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Current Height abnormalities |
19.7% |
13/66 |
< P3 : Short stature |
19.7% |
13/66 |
Current Weight abnormalities |
13.6% |
9/66 |
> P98 : Increased body weight |
7.6% |
5/66 |
< P3 : Decreased body weight |
6.1% |
4/66 |
Current Head circumference abnormalities |
6.1% |
4/66 |
> P98 : Macrocephaly |
3.0% |
2/66 |
< P3 : Microcephaly |
3.0% |
2/66 |
Neurology |
Neurological abnormalities |
100.0% |
66/66 |
Generalized hypotonia |
71.2% |
47/66 |
Neonatal hypotonia |
54.5% |
36/66 |
Global developmental delay |
31.8% |
21/66 |
Exaggerated startle response |
25.8% |
17/66 |
EEG abnormality |
18.2% |
12/66 |
Infantile muscular hypotonia |
18.2% |
12/66 |
Seizures |
16.7% |
11/66 |
Abnormality of the nervous system |
13.6% |
9/66 |
Developmental regression |
10.6% |
7/66 |
Broad-based gait |
9.1% |
6/66 |
Generalized tonic-clonic seizures |
7.6% |
5/66 |
Horizontal nystagmus |
7.6% |
5/66 |
Absence seizures |
6.1% |
4/66 |
Atonic seizures |
6.1% |
4/66 |
Gait disturbance |
6.1% |
4/66 |
Nystagmus |
6.1% |
4/66 |
Focal seizures with impairment of consciousness or awareness |
4.5% |
3/66 |
Generalized seizures |
4.5% |
3/66 |
Infantile spasms |
4.5% |
3/66 |
Abnormality of movement |
3.0% |
2/66 |
Ataxia |
3.0% |
2/66 |
Decreased motor nerve conduction velocity |
3.0% |
2/66 |
Gait ataxia |
3.0% |
2/66 |
Spasticity |
3.0% |
2/66 |
Unsteady gait |
3.0% |
2/66 |
Abnormal peripheral action potential amplitude |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Abnormal pyramidal signs |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Babinski sign |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Bilateral convulsive seizures |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Bradykinesia |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Decreased amplitude of sensory action potentials |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Decreased sensory nerve conduction velocity |
1.5% |
1/66 |
EEG with spike-wave complexes |
1.5% |
1/66 |
EEG with temporal sharp waves |
1.5% |
1/66 |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Encephalitis |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Epileptic encephalopathy |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Febrile seizures |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Focal clonic seizures |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Focal seizures |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Focal seizures without impairment of consciousness or awareness |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Generalized tonic seizures |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Hypertonia |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Involuntary movements |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Limb hypertonia |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Lower limb spasticity |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Motor axonal neuropathy |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Multifocal epileptiform discharges |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Muscle fibrillation |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Myoclonus |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Peripheral axonal neuropathy |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Reduced tendon reflexes |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Severe global developmental delay |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Status epilepticus |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Stereotypic behavior |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Stroke |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Tethered cord |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Toe walking |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Tremor |
1.5% |
1/66 |
Behavioral problems |
64.4% |
38/59 |
Hypersomnia |
32.2% |
19/59 |
Overfriendliness |
13.6% |
8/59 |
Delayed social development |
11.9% |
7/59 |
Stereotypic behavior |
11.9% |
7/59 |
Abnormal social behavior |
10.2% |
6/59 |
Exaggerated startle response |
8.5% |
5/59 |
Autism |
5.1% |
3/59 |
Impaired social interactions |
5.1% |
3/59 |
Behavioral abnormality |
3.4% |
2/59 |
Anxiety |
1.7% |
1/59 |
Autistic behavior |
1.7% |
1/59 |
Global developmental delay |
1.7% |
1/59 |
Sleep disturbance |
1.7% |
1/59 |
Brain abnormality |
62.1% |
36/58 |
Delayed myelination |
17.2% |
10/58 |
Dilation of lateral ventricles |
8.6% |
5/58 |
Abnormality of the cerebral white matter |
6.9% |
4/58 |
Cerebral white matter hypoplasia |
6.9% |
4/58 |
Abnormality of the periventricular white matter |
3.4% |
2/58 |
Extra-axial cerebrospinal fluid accumulation |
3.4% |
2/58 |
Hypoplasia of the corpus callosum |
3.4% |
2/58 |
Intracranial cystic lesion |
3.4% |
2/58 |
Abnormality of the corpus callosum |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Abnormality of the cerebellum |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Abnormality of brain morphology |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Brain atrophy |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Cerebral atrophy |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Corpus callosum atrophy |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Enlarged sylvian cistern |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Enlarged brainstem |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Focal T2 hyperintense brainstem lesion |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Gliosis |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Periventricular leukomalacia |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Perivascular spaces |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Thick corpus callosum |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Ventriculomegaly |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Widened posterior fossa |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Facial abnormalities |
Abnormality of the ear |
22.0% |
9/41 |
Low-set ears |
9.8% |
4/41 |
Protruding ear |
9.8% |
4/41 |
Downslanted palpebral fissures |
2.4% |
1/41 |
Abnormality of the eye |
71.4% |
35/49 |
Strabismus |
28.6% |
14/49 |
Almond-shaped palpebral fissure |
16.3% |
8/49 |
Telecanthus |
14.3% |
7/49 |
Epicanthus |
12.2% |
6/49 |
Hypertelorism |
10.2% |
5/49 |
Prominent epicanthal folds |
10.2% |
5/49 |
Ptosis |
10.2% |
5/49 |
Upslanted palpebral fissure |
8.2% |
4/49 |
Abnormality of the eyelid |
6.1% |
3/49 |
Downslanted palpebral fissures |
4.1% |
2/49 |
Esotropia |
4.1% |
2/49 |
Anteverted nares |
2.0% |
1/49 |
Bilateral ptosis |
2.0% |
1/49 |
Congenital glaucoma |
2.0% |
1/49 |
Exotropia |
2.0% |
1/49 |
Short palpebral fissure |
2.0% |
1/49 |
Abnormality of the nose |
26.8% |
11/41 |
Depressed nasal bridge |
24.4% |
10/41 |
Anteverted nares |
2.4% |
1/41 |
Broad columella |
2.4% |
1/41 |
Abnormality of the mouth |
35.0% |
14/40 |
High palate |
22.5% |
9/40 |
Open mouth |
7.5% |
3/40 |
Tented upper lip vermilion |
7.5% |
3/40 |
Abnormality of the teeth |
2.5% |
1/40 |
Cleft soft palate |
2.5% |
1/40 |
Drooling |
2.5% |
1/40 |
Visual and hearing impairments |
Abnormal vision |
29.5% |
18/61 |
Cortical visual impairment |
8.2% |
5/61 |
Nystagmus |
6.6% |
4/61 |
Hypermetropia |
3.3% |
2/61 |
Abnormality of vision |
1.6% |
1/61 |
Abnormality of visual evoked potentials |
1.6% |
1/61 |
Abnormality of refraction |
1.6% |
1/61 |
Congenital glaucoma |
1.6% |
1/61 |
High-grade hypermetropia |
1.6% |
1/61 |
Myopia |
1.6% |
1/61 |
Optic atrophy |
1.6% |
1/61 |
Strabismus |
1.6% |
1/61 |
Heart |
Abnormality of the heart |
22.0% |
13/59 |
Patent foramen ovale |
6.8% |
4/59 |
Bradycardia |
3.4% |
2/59 |
Ventricular septal defect |
3.4% |
2/59 |
Abnormality of the systemic arterial tree |
1.7% |
1/59 |
Muscular ventricular septal defect |
1.7% |
1/59 |
Myocarditis |
1.7% |
1/59 |
Patent ductus arteriosus after premature birth |
1.7% |
1/59 |
Pulmonic stenosis |
1.7% |
1/59 |
Pulmonary |
Abnormality of the lungs |
85.7% |
6/7 |
Hypopnea |
85.7% |
6/7 |
Pneumonia |
28.6% |
2/7 |
Abnormal respiratory system morphology |
14.3% |
1/7 |
Gastrointestinal |
Gastrointestinal abnormalities |
96.7% |
58/60 |
Feeding difficulties |
66.7% |
40/60 |
Constipation |
51.7% |
31/60 |
Dysphagia |
43.3% |
26/60 |
Gastroesophageal reflux |
26.7% |
16/60 |
Drooling |
10.0% |
6/60 |
Gastrostomy tube feeding in infancy |
8.3% |
5/60 |
Aspiration |
1.7% |
1/60 |
Feeding difficulties in infancy |
1.7% |
1/60 |
Poor suck |
1.7% |
1/60 |
Urogenital |
Abnormality of the urogenital system |
18.5% |
10/54 |
Cryptorchidism |
7.4% |
4/54 |
Abnormality of the genitourinary system |
3.7% |
2/54 |
Nephrolithiasis |
3.7% |
2/54 |
Abnormality of the urinary system |
1.9% |
1/54 |
Congenital megaureter |
1.9% |
1/54 |
External genital hypoplasia |
1.9% |
1/54 |
Hydronephrosis |
1.9% |
1/54 |
Hyperplastic labia majora |
1.9% |
1/54 |
Unilateral cryptorchidism |
1.9% |
1/54 |
Uric acid urolithiasis independent of gout |
1.9% |
1/54 |
Uterine prolapse |
1.9% |
1/54 |
Skeleton |
Skeletal abnormalities |
62.1% |
36/58 |
Scoliosis |
20.7% |
12/58 |
Pes planus |
19.0% |
11/58 |
Hip dysplasia |
13.8% |
8/58 |
Small hand |
13.8% |
8/58 |
Tapered finger |
13.8% |
8/58 |
Joint laxity |
12.1% |
7/58 |
Abnormality of the hand |
10.3% |
6/58 |
Short foot |
10.3% |
6/58 |
Abnormality of the foot |
6.9% |
4/58 |
Reduced bone mineral density |
5.2% |
3/58 |
Abnormality of the hip bone |
3.4% |
2/58 |
Dolichocephaly |
3.4% |
2/58 |
Hip Subluxation |
3.4% |
2/58 |
Joint hypermobility |
3.4% |
2/58 |
Long fingers |
3.4% |
2/58 |
Abnormal bone ossification |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Abnormality of toe |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Abnormality of the hip joint |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Abnormality of the skull |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Abnormality of the lower limb |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Broad proximal phalanges of the hand |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Clinodactyly of the 5th finger |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Coxa valga |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Finger joint hypermobility |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Genu valgum |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Knee flexion contracture |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Long hallux |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Long toe |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Osteopenia |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Prominent frontal sinuses |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Thoracolumbar scoliosis |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Vertebral fusion |
1.7% |
1/58 |
Skin / Hair / Nails |
Abnormality of the skin/hair/nails |
22.0% |
11/50 |
Soft skin |
12.0% |
6/50 |
Abnormality of subcutaneous fat tissue |
2.0% |
1/50 |
Abnormality of the palmar creases |
2.0% |
1/50 |
Abnormality of skin pigmentation |
2.0% |
1/50 |
Deep palmar crease |
2.0% |
1/50 |
Eczema |
2.0% |
1/50 |
Lipoma |
2.0% |
1/50 |
Multiple cafe-au-lait spots |
2.0% |
1/50 |
Nevus |
2.0% |
1/50 |
Prominent fingertip pads |
2.0% |
1/50 |
Regional abnormality of skin |
2.0% |
1/50 |
Endocrine / Immunological / Metabolic |
Abnormality of the endocrine system |
23.6% |
13/55 |
Vitamin D deficiency |
16.4% |
9/55 |
Hypothyroidism |
5.5% |
3/55 |
Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism |
3.6% |
2/55 |
Compensated hypothyroidism |
1.8% |
1/55 |
Premature thelarche |
1.8% |
1/55 |
Puberty and gonadal disorders |
1.8% |
1/55 |
Abnormality of the metabolic system |
11.3% |
6/53 |
Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia |
7.5% |
4/53 |
Abnormal serum iron |
1.9% |
1/53 |
Hypercholesterolemia |
1.9% |
1/53 |
Hypouricemia |
1.9% |
1/53 |
Abnormality of the immune system |
9.4% |
5/53 |
Allergy |
1.9% |
1/53 |
Aspiration pneumonia |
1.9% |
1/53 |
Esophagitis |
1.9% |
1/53 |
Neutropenia |
1.9% |
1/53 |
Recurrent lower respiratory tract infections |
1.9% |
1/53 |
Neoplasia |
Neoplasia |
1.7% |
1/59 |
Retinoblastoma |
1.7% |
1/59 |