Patient Overview : 47


Frequency of all clinical findings

Percentage Cases
Male 55.3% 26/47
Female 44.7% 21/47
Indifferent 0% 0/47
Unknown 0% 0/47
Birth Length abnormalities 0% 0/43
Birth Weight abnormalities 4.7% 2/43
< P3 : Small for gestational age 2.3% 1/43
> P98 : Large for gestational age 2.3% 1/43
Birth Head circumference abnormalities 0% 0/42
Current Height abnormalities 7.0% 3/43
< P3 : Short stature 7.0% 3/43
Current Weight abnormalities 0% 0/43
Current Head circumference abnormalities 16.3% 7/43
< P3 : Microcephaly 16.3% 7/43
Neurological abnormalities 100.0% 45/45
Febrile seizures 86.7% 39/45
Global developmental delay 82.2% 37/45
Spasticity 44.4% 20/45
Delayed myelination 11.1% 5/45
Pachygyria 4.4% 2/45
Abnormality of the fundus 2.2% 1/45
Bilateral convulsive seizures 2.2% 1/45
Complex febrile seizures 2.2% 1/45
Epileptic spasms 2.2% 1/45
Excessive daytime sleepiness 2.2% 1/45
Focal seizures 2.2% 1/45
Generalized seizures 2.2% 1/45
obsolete Mental retardation, in some 2.2% 1/45
Brain abnormality 100.0% 46/46
Abnormality of the anterior fontanelle 63.0% 29/46
Microcephaly 63.0% 29/46
Ventriculomegaly 56.5% 26/46
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the corpus callosum 45.7% 21/46
Cerebral cortical atrophy 37.0% 17/46
Choroid plexus cyst 28.3% 13/46
Abnormality of the corpus callosum 13.0% 6/46
Polymicrogyria 13.0% 6/46
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the cerebellum 4.3% 2/46
Hydrocephalus 4.3% 2/46
Abnormality of the cerebral ventricles 2.2% 1/46
Antenatal intracerebral hemorrhage 2.2% 1/46
Aqueductal stenosis 2.2% 1/46
Brain atrophy 2.2% 1/46
Cavum septum pellucidum 2.2% 1/46
Corpus callosum atrophy 2.2% 1/46
Cortical dysplasia 2.2% 1/46
Dolichocephaly 2.2% 1/46
Dysplastic corpus callosum 2.2% 1/46
Plagiocephaly 2.2% 1/46
Short corpus callosum 2.2% 1/46
Facial abnormalities    
Abnormality of the ear 97.7% 43/44
Low-set ears 84.1% 37/44
Abnormality of the pinna 79.5% 35/44
Abnormality of earlobe 2.3% 1/44
Large earlobe 2.3% 1/44
Low-set, posteriorly rotated ears 2.3% 1/44
Prominent antitragus 2.3% 1/44
Uplifted earlobe 2.3% 1/44
Abnormality of the eye 100.0% 44/44
Hypertelorism 81.8% 36/44
Large eyes 75.0% 33/44
Alacrima 38.6% 17/44
Slanting of the palpebral fissure 38.6% 17/44
Abnormality of the fundus 20.5% 9/44
Abnormality of the pinna 6.8% 3/44
Shallow orbits 6.8% 3/44
Strabismus 6.8% 3/44
Abnormal shape of the palpebral fissure 4.5% 2/44
Decreased corneal sensation 4.5% 2/44
Infra-orbital crease 4.5% 2/44
Abnormality of the optic disc 2.3% 1/44
Abnormal fundus autofluorescence imaging 2.3% 1/44
Blepharophimosis 2.3% 1/44
Blue sclerae 2.3% 1/44
Entropion 2.3% 1/44
Myopia 2.3% 1/44
Nystagmus 2.3% 1/44
Optic atrophy 2.3% 1/44
Abnormality of the nose 97.7% 43/44
Short nose 95.5% 42/44
Depressed nasal bridge 4.5% 2/44
Anteverted nares 2.3% 1/44
Prominent nose 2.3% 1/44
Thin anteverted nares 2.3% 1/44
Wide nose 2.3% 1/44
Abnormality of the mouth 92.9% 39/42
Microretrognathia 52.4% 22/42
Macroglossia 45.2% 19/42
Micrognathia 9.5% 4/42
Infra-orbital crease 7.1% 3/42
Choanal stenosis 4.8% 2/42
Carious teeth 2.4% 1/42
Retrognathia 2.4% 1/42
Tongue fasciculations 2.4% 1/42
Visual and hearing impairments    
Abnormal hearing 92.6% 25/27
Hearing impairment 74.1% 20/27
Mid-frequency hearing loss 7.4% 2/27
Sensorineural hearing impairment 7.4% 2/27
Conductive hearing impairment 3.7% 1/27
Abnormal vision 84.6% 22/26
Abnormality of vision 69.2% 18/26
Alacrima 7.7% 2/26
Abnormality of the fundus 3.8% 1/26
Abnormality of the cornea 3.8% 1/26
Blindness 3.8% 1/26
Cortical visual impairment 3.8% 1/26
Hypermetropia 3.8% 1/26
Abnormality of the heart 44.2% 19/43
Abnormal heart morphology 30.2% 13/43
Patent foramen ovale 7.0% 3/43
Patent ductus arteriosus 7.0% 3/43
Abnormality of the atrial septum 4.7% 2/43
Abnormality of the cardiac septa 2.3% 1/43
Atria septal defect 2.3% 1/43
Gastrointestinal abnormalities 23.5% 8/34
Abnormality of the genital system 2.9% 1/34
Abnormality of the epiglottis 2.9% 1/34
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the pancreas 2.9% 1/34
Diastasis recti 2.9% 1/34
Gastrointestinal dysmotility 2.9% 1/34
Gastroesophageal reflux 2.9% 1/34
Hepatic steatosis 2.9% 1/34
Hydronephrosis 2.9% 1/34
Laryngomalacia 2.9% 1/34
Posteriorly placed anus 2.9% 1/34
Vocal cord paralysis 2.9% 1/34
Vomiting 2.9% 1/34
Abnormality of the urogenital system 97.8% 45/46
Hydronephrosis 95.7% 44/46
Abnormality of the genital system 76.1% 35/46
Hypospadias 8.7% 4/46
Megacalicosis 6.5% 3/46
Nephrolithiasis 6.5% 3/46
Cryptorchidism 4.3% 2/46
Hypoplastic labia majora 4.3% 2/46
Abnormal external genitalia 2.2% 1/46
Abnormality of renal calyx morphology 2.2% 1/46
Abnormal genital system morphology 2.2% 1/46
Abnormality of the labia majora 2.2% 1/46
Abnormality of the penis 2.2% 1/46
Bladder diverticulum 2.2% 1/46
Choanal stenosis 2.2% 1/46
Clitoral hypertrophy 2.2% 1/46
Enlarged labia minora 2.2% 1/46
Hepatosplenomegaly 2.2% 1/46
Hydroureter 2.2% 1/46
Hydrocele testis 2.2% 1/46
Hypoplasia of penis 2.2% 1/46
Inverted nipples 2.2% 1/46
Partially duplicated kidney 2.2% 1/46
Penoscrotal transposition 2.2% 1/46
Polycystic kidney dysplasia 2.2% 1/46
Urogenital sinus anomaly 2.2% 1/46
Skeletal abnormalities 100.0% 43/43
Broad ribs 62.8% 27/43
Short neck 51.2% 22/43
Shortening of all distal phalanges of the toes 39.5% 17/43
Shortening of all distal phalanges of the fingers 39.5% 17/43
Abnormality of the metaphyses 34.9% 15/43
Osteosclerosis of the base of the skull 34.9% 15/43
Hypoplastic pubic bone 32.6% 14/43
Long clavicles 25.6% 11/43
Short 1st metacarpal 25.6% 11/43
Massively thickened long bone cortices 23.3% 10/43
Hypoplasia of first ribs 18.6% 8/43
Wormian bones 18.6% 8/43
Abnormality of the fontanelles or cranial sutures 9.3% 4/43
Femoral bowing 7.0% 3/43
Postaxial polydactyly 7.0% 3/43
Scoliosis 7.0% 3/43
Abnormal ossification of the pubic bone 4.7% 2/43
Abnormality of the distal phalanges of the toes 4.7% 2/43
Abnormality of the occipital bone 4.7% 2/43
Hemivertebrae 4.7% 2/43
Progressive sclerosis of skull base 4.7% 2/43
Radioulnar synostosis 4.7% 2/43
Rocker bottom foot 4.7% 2/43
Sclerosis of skull base 4.7% 2/43
Tibial bowing 4.7% 2/43
Abnormality of the skull 2.3% 1/43
Abnormality of bony orbit of skull 2.3% 1/43
Abnormality of the pubic bone 2.3% 1/43
Abnormality of the 1st metacarpal 2.3% 1/43
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the distal phalanges of the hand 2.3% 1/43
Aplastic pubic bones 2.3% 1/43
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the distal phalanges of the toes 2.3% 1/43
Bowed forearm bones 2.3% 1/43
Congenital talipes calcaneovalgus 2.3% 1/43
Craniosynostosis 2.3% 1/43
Distal femoral metaphyseal abnormality 2.3% 1/43
Enlarged metaphyses 2.3% 1/43
Hip dysplasia 2.3% 1/43
Horizontal ribs 2.3% 1/43
Inguinal hernia 2.3% 1/43
Large pelvis bone 2.3% 1/43
Laryngotracheomalacia 2.3% 1/43
Limited knee extension 2.3% 1/43
Limited elbow extension 2.3% 1/43
Narrow chest 2.3% 1/43
Pectus carinatum 2.3% 1/43
Polydactyly 2.3% 1/43
Talipes calcaneovalgus 2.3% 1/43
Talipes equinovarus 2.3% 1/43
Unilambdoid synostosis 2.3% 1/43
4-5 finger syndactyly 2.3% 1/43
2-3 toe syndactyly 2.3% 1/43
Skin / Hair / Nails    
Abnormality of the skin/hair/nails 73.2% 30/41
Hypertrichosis 53.7% 22/41
Cutis marmorata 7.3% 3/41
Generalized hypertrichosis 7.3% 3/41
Abnormality of the ribs 2.4% 1/41
Abnormal dermatoglyphics 2.4% 1/41
Abnormality of the palmar creases 2.4% 1/41
Central hypotonia 2.4% 1/41
Facial hypertrichosis 2.4% 1/41
Generalized hirsutism 2.4% 1/41
Hyperconvex nail 2.4% 1/41
Hyperconvex fingernails 2.4% 1/41
Hypoplastic toenails 2.4% 1/41
Endocrine / Immunological / Metabolic    
Abnormality of the endocrine system 20.8% 5/24
Hypothyroidism 8.3% 2/24
Abnormality of cellular immune system 4.2% 1/24
Anemia 4.2% 1/24
Hemolytic anemia 4.2% 1/24
Abnormality of the metabolic system 80.0% 32/40
Failure to thrive 80.0% 32/40
Abnormality of the immune system 14.3% 3/21
Recurrent respiratory infections 9.5% 2/21
Hemolytic anemia 4.8% 1/21
Recurrent urinary tract infections 4.8% 1/21
Neoplasia 37.5% 15/40
Facial hemangioma 17.5% 7/40
Sacrococcygeal teratoma 10.0% 4/40
Abnormality of the kidney 2.5% 1/40
Ependymoma 2.5% 1/40
Ependymoblastoma 2.5% 1/40
Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia 2.5% 1/40
Primitive neuroectodermal tumor 2.5% 1/40