Patient Overview : 25


Frequency of all clinical findings

Percentage Cases
Male 64.0% 16/25
Female 36.0% 9/25
Birth Length abnormalities 4.0% 1/25
< P3 : Birth length less than 3rd percentile 4.0% 1/25
Birth Weight abnormalities 4.0% 1/25
< P3 : Small for gestational age 4.0% 1/25
Birth Head circumference abnormalities 4.0% 1/25
< P3 : Congenital microcephaly 4.0% 1/25
Current Height abnormalities 24.0% 6/25
> P98 : Tall stature 24.0% 6/25
Current Weight abnormalities 52.0% 13/25
> P98 : Increased body weight 48.0% 12/25
< P3 : Decreased body weight 4.0% 1/25
Current Head circumference abnormalities 20.0% 5/25
> P98 : Macrocephaly 12.0% 3/25
< P3 : Microcephaly 8.0% 2/25
Neurological abnormalities 83.3% 20/24
Generalized hypotonia 45.8% 11/24
Poor motor coordination 33.3% 8/24
Complex febrile seizures 12.5% 3/24
Fatigue 8.3% 2/24
Neonatal hypotonia 8.3% 2/24
Seizures 8.3% 2/24
Ataxia 4.2% 1/24
Broad-based gait 4.2% 1/24
Dysarthria 4.2% 1/24
Dyslexia 4.2% 1/24
Febrile seizures 4.2% 1/24
Muscle cramps 4.2% 1/24
Behavioral problems 83.3% 20/24
Autistic behavior 41.7% 10/24
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 33.3% 8/24
Overfriendliness 33.3% 8/24
Anxiety 12.5% 3/24
Abnormal eating behavior 8.3% 2/24
Emotional lability 4.2% 1/24
Brain abnormality 22.2% 4/18
Abnormality of the cerebral white matter 11.1% 2/18
Cerebral atrophy 5.6% 1/18
Encephalopathy 5.6% 1/18
Seizures 5.6% 1/18
Status epilepticus 5.6% 1/18
Ventriculomegaly 5.6% 1/18
Facial abnormalities    
Abnormality of the ear 57.1% 12/21
Large fleshy ears 28.6% 6/21
Low-set, posteriorly rotated ears 19.0% 4/21
Overfolded helix 9.5% 2/21
Anteverted ears 4.8% 1/21
Abnormality of the eye 66.7% 14/21
Deeply set eye 38.1% 8/21
Strabismus 14.3% 3/21
Upslanted palpebral fissure 14.3% 3/21
Downslanted palpebral fissures 9.5% 2/21
Hypertelorism 9.5% 2/21
Epicanthus 4.8% 1/21
Esotropia 4.8% 1/21
Periorbital fullness 4.8% 1/21
Prominent supraorbital ridges 4.8% 1/21
Abnormality of the nose 42.9% 9/21
Broad nasal tip 19.0% 4/21
Bulbous nose 9.5% 2/21
Wide nasal bridge 9.5% 2/21
Anteverted nares 4.8% 1/21
Low hanging columella 4.8% 1/21
Prominent nose 4.8% 1/21
Underdeveloped nasal alae 4.8% 1/21
Abnormality of the mouth 68.2% 15/22
Thin upper lip vermilion 27.3% 6/22
Wide mouth 27.3% 6/22
Everted lower lip vermilion 4.5% 1/22
High palate 4.5% 1/22
Macrodontia of permanent maxillary central incisor 4.5% 1/22
Smooth philtrum 4.5% 1/22
Thick lower lip vermilion 4.5% 1/22
Visual and hearing impairments    
Abnormal vision 31.8% 7/22
Strabismus 22.7% 5/22
Hypermetropia 9.1% 2/22
Astigmatism 4.5% 1/22
Esotropia 4.5% 1/22
Hyperopic astigmatism 4.5% 1/22
Paroxysmal involuntary eye movements 4.5% 1/22
Abnormality of the heart 4.5% 1/22
Tetralogy of Fallot 4.5% 1/22
Abnormality of the lungs 4.3% 1/23
Interstitial pneumonitis 4.3% 1/23
Gastrointestinal abnormalities 8.7% 2/23
Chronic constipation 8.7% 2/23
Abnormality of the urogenital system 13.6% 3/22
Micropenis 4.5% 1/22
Phimosis 4.5% 1/22
Unilateral renal hypoplasia 4.5% 1/22
Skeletal abnormalities 50.0% 12/24
Short finger 29.2% 7/24
Short toe 29.2% 7/24
Pes planus 12.5% 3/24
Broad hallux 4.2% 1/24
Broad thumb 4.2% 1/24
Scoliosis 4.2% 1/24
Talipes cavus equinovarus 4.2% 1/24
Talipes valgus 4.2% 1/24
Thoracic hemivertebrae 4.2% 1/24
Skin / Hair / Nails    
Abnormality of the skin/hair/nails 4.5% 1/22
Acanthosis nigricans 4.5% 1/22
Hyperkeratosis pilaris 4.5% 1/22
Endocrine / Immunological / Metabolic    
Abnormality of the endocrine system 100.0% 1/1
Diabetes mellitus 100.0% 1/1
Hypothyroidism 100.0% 1/1
Abnormality of the immune system 100.0% 1/1
IgA deficiency 100.0% 1/1