Patient Overview : 58


Frequency of all clinical findings

Percentage Cases
Male 43.1% 25/58
Female 56.9% 33/58
Birth Length abnormalities 1.7% 1/58
> P98 : Birth length greater than 97th percentile 1.7% 1/58
Birth Weight abnormalities 6.9% 4/58
< P3 : Small for gestational age 5.2% 3/58
> P98 : Large for gestational age 1.7% 1/58
Birth Head circumference abnormalities 1.7% 1/58
> P98 : Macrocephaly at birth 1.7% 1/58
Current Height abnormalities 31.0% 18/58
< P3 : Short stature 31.0% 18/58
Current Weight abnormalities 24.1% 14/58
< P3 : Decreased body weight 20.7% 12/58
> P98 : Increased body weight 3.4% 2/58
Current Head circumference abnormalities 36.2% 21/58
< P3 : Microcephaly 31.0% 18/58
> P98 : Macrocephaly 5.2% 3/58
Neurological abnormalities 77.3% 34/44
Muscular hypotonia 22.7% 10/44
Sleep disturbance 11.4% 5/44
Generalized tonic-clonic seizures 9.1% 4/44
Ankle clonus 4.5% 2/44
Focal seizures 4.5% 2/44
Hypertonia 4.5% 2/44
Infantile spasms 4.5% 2/44
Microcephaly 4.5% 2/44
Severe muscular hypotonia 4.5% 2/44
Abnormality of coordination 2.3% 1/44
Abnormality of movement 2.3% 1/44
Absent patellar reflexes 2.3% 1/44
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 2.3% 1/44
Autism 2.3% 1/44
Bilateral convulsive seizures 2.3% 1/44
Brisk reflexes 2.3% 1/44
Cerebral palsy 2.3% 1/44
Chewing difficulties 2.3% 1/44
Clonus 2.3% 1/44
Drooling 2.3% 1/44
Dyskinesia 2.3% 1/44
Epileptic encephalopathy 2.3% 1/44
Facial hypotonia 2.3% 1/44
Focal tonic seizures 2.3% 1/44
Focal seizures without impairment of consciousness or awareness 2.3% 1/44
Generalized hypotonia 2.3% 1/44
Hyperreflexia 2.3% 1/44
Hypersomnia 2.3% 1/44
Hypothermia 2.3% 1/44
Infantile axial hypotonia 2.3% 1/44
Infantile muscular hypotonia 2.3% 1/44
Intention tremor 2.3% 1/44
Limb hypertonia 2.3% 1/44
Lower limb hyperreflexia 2.3% 1/44
Lower limb spasticity 2.3% 1/44
Migraine 2.3% 1/44
Neonatal hypotonia 2.3% 1/44
Obstructive sleep apnea 2.3% 1/44
Oral-pharyngeal dysphagia 2.3% 1/44
Profound global developmental delay 2.3% 1/44
Sensorimotor neuropathy 2.3% 1/44
Spastic paraparesis 2.3% 1/44
Spastic paraplegia 2.3% 1/44
Spasticity 2.3% 1/44
Stereotypic behavior 2.3% 1/44
Tremor 2.3% 1/44
Behavioral problems 85.3% 29/34
Autism 41.2% 14/34
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 11.8% 4/34
Autistic behavior 8.8% 3/34
Hyperactivity 5.9% 2/34
Abnormal aggressive, impulsive or violent behavior 2.9% 1/34
Aggressive behavior 2.9% 1/34
Anxiety 2.9% 1/34
Behavioral abnormality 2.9% 1/34
Dyslexia 2.9% 1/34
Emotional lability 2.9% 1/34
Encopresis 2.9% 1/34
Enuresis 2.9% 1/34
Irritability 2.9% 1/34
Low frustration tolerance 2.9% 1/34
Memory impairment 2.9% 1/34
Obsessive-compulsive behavior 2.9% 1/34
Oppositional defiant disorder 2.9% 1/34
Psychosis 2.9% 1/34
Recurrent hand flapping 2.9% 1/34
Self-injurious behavior 2.9% 1/34
Short attention span 2.9% 1/34
Stereotypic behavior 2.9% 1/34
Brain abnormality 60.7% 17/28
Ventriculomegaly 17.9% 5/28
Dandy-Walker malformation 10.7% 3/28
Cerebellar vermis hypoplasia 7.1% 2/28
Cerebellar atrophy 7.1% 2/28
Inferior vermis hypoplasia 7.1% 2/28
Polymicrogyria 7.1% 2/28
Abnormality of the cerebellar vermis 3.6% 1/28
Abnormality of the cerebral ventricles 3.6% 1/28
Abnormality of the cerebral white matter 3.6% 1/28
Abnormality of the clivus 3.6% 1/28
Arnold-Chiari type I malformation 3.6% 1/28
Atrophy/Degeneration affecting the brainstem 3.6% 1/28
Cavum septum pellucidum 3.6% 1/28
Cerebral cortical atrophy 3.6% 1/28
Cerebral white matter atrophy 3.6% 1/28
Cerebellar hypoplasia 3.6% 1/28
Choroid plexus cyst 3.6% 1/28
Cortical dysplasia 3.6% 1/28
Delayed myelination 3.6% 1/28
Diffuse white matter abnormalities 3.6% 1/28
Dilated fourth ventricle 3.6% 1/28
Encephalomalacia 3.6% 1/28
Hypoplasia of the pons 3.6% 1/28
Hypoplasia of the corpus callosum 3.6% 1/28
Hypoplasia of the brainstem 3.6% 1/28
Intracranial hemorrhage 3.6% 1/28
Occipital cortical atrophy 3.6% 1/28
Porencephaly 3.6% 1/28
Small pituitary gland 3.6% 1/28
Widened subarachnoid space 3.6% 1/28
Facial abnormalities    
Abnormality of the ear 40.8% 20/49
Low-set ears 16.3% 8/49
Large earlobe 4.1% 2/49
Low-set, posteriorly rotated ears 4.1% 2/49
Macrotia 4.1% 2/49
Overfolded helix 4.1% 2/49
Posteriorly rotated ears 4.1% 2/49
Abnormality of the pinna 2.0% 1/49
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the tragus 2.0% 1/49
Cupped ear 2.0% 1/49
Microtia 2.0% 1/49
Preauricular skin tag 2.0% 1/49
Protruding ear 2.0% 1/49
Small earlobe 2.0% 1/49
Thickened helices 2.0% 1/49
Abnormality of the eye 73.5% 36/49
Epicanthus 14.3% 7/49
Hypertelorism 14.3% 7/49
Deeply set eye 12.2% 6/49
Highly arched eyebrow 12.2% 6/49
Upslanted palpebral fissure 8.2% 4/49
Downslanted palpebral fissures 6.1% 3/49
Short palpebral fissure 6.1% 3/49
Telecanthus 6.1% 3/49
Almond-shaped palpebral fissure 4.1% 2/49
Prominent epicanthal folds 4.1% 2/49
Small palpebral fissure 4.1% 2/49
Thick eyebrow 4.1% 2/49
Unilateral ptosis 4.1% 2/49
Blepharophimosis 2.0% 1/49
Ectropion 2.0% 1/49
Long palpebral fissure 2.0% 1/49
Medial flaring of the eyebrow 2.0% 1/49
Ptosis 2.0% 1/49
Sparse eyebrow 2.0% 1/49
Strabismus 2.0% 1/49
Synophrys 2.0% 1/49
Visual impairment 2.0% 1/49
Abnormality of the nose 40.0% 20/50
Depressed nasal bridge 18.0% 9/50
Anteverted nares 12.0% 6/50
Narrow nose 4.0% 2/50
Short nose 4.0% 2/50
Wide nasal bridge 4.0% 2/50
Abnormal nasal morphology 2.0% 1/50
Abnormality of the columella 2.0% 1/50
Broad nasal tip 2.0% 1/50
Bulbous nose 2.0% 1/50
Depressed nasal tip 2.0% 1/50
Pear-shaped nose 2.0% 1/50
Prominent nasal bridge 2.0% 1/50
Prominent nose 2.0% 1/50
Prominent nasal tip 2.0% 1/50
Short philtrum 2.0% 1/50
Smooth philtrum 2.0% 1/50
Thick nasal alae 2.0% 1/50
Abnormality of the mouth 62.0% 31/50
Thin upper lip vermilion 20.0% 10/50
Wide mouth 10.0% 5/50
Cleft palate 8.0% 4/50
High palate 8.0% 4/50
Micrognathia 8.0% 4/50
Smooth philtrum 8.0% 4/50
Narrow mouth 6.0% 3/50
Dental crowding 4.0% 2/50
Everted lower lip vermilion 4.0% 2/50
Pierre-Robin sequence 4.0% 2/50
Short philtrum 4.0% 2/50
Thick upper lip vermilion 4.0% 2/50
Thick vermilion border 4.0% 2/50
Abnormality of the alveolar ridges 2.0% 1/50
Abnormality of the teeth 2.0% 1/50
Agenesis of maxillary lateral incisor 2.0% 1/50
Carious teeth 2.0% 1/50
Chapped lip 2.0% 1/50
Delayed eruption of teeth 2.0% 1/50
Diastema 2.0% 1/50
Downturned corners of mouth 2.0% 1/50
Everted upper lip vermilion 2.0% 1/50
High, narrow palate 2.0% 1/50
Macrodontia of permanent maxillary central incisor 2.0% 1/50
Mandibular prognathia 2.0% 1/50
Microdontia 2.0% 1/50
Misalignment of teeth 2.0% 1/50
Oral cleft 2.0% 1/50
Protruding tongue 2.0% 1/50
Retrognathia 2.0% 1/50
Thick lower lip vermilion 2.0% 1/50
Widely spaced teeth 2.0% 1/50
Visual and hearing impairments    
Abnormal hearing 17.8% 8/45
Sensorineural hearing impairment 4.4% 2/45
Unilateral deafness 4.4% 2/45
Abnormality of the inner ear 2.2% 1/45
Bilateral sensorineural hearing impairment 2.2% 1/45
Conductive hearing impairment 2.2% 1/45
Glue ear 2.2% 1/45
Hearing impairment 2.2% 1/45
Mid-frequency hearing loss 2.2% 1/45
Morphological abnormality of the lateral semicircular canal 2.2% 1/45
Abnormal vision 39.1% 18/46
Strabismus 8.7% 4/46
Astigmatism 6.5% 3/46
Hypermetropia 6.5% 3/46
Myopia 6.5% 3/46
Esotropia 4.3% 2/46
Amblyopia 2.2% 1/46
Anterior segment dysgenesis 2.2% 1/46
Blindness 2.2% 1/46
Central posterior corneal opacity 2.2% 1/46
Corneal opacity 2.2% 1/46
Cortical visual impairment 2.2% 1/46
Iris coloboma 2.2% 1/46
Lacrimal duct stenosis 2.2% 1/46
Macular hypoplasia 2.2% 1/46
Optic nerve hypoplasia 2.2% 1/46
Optic nerve coloboma 2.2% 1/46
Visual impairment 2.2% 1/46
Abnormality of the heart 50.0% 17/34
Ventricular septal defect 17.6% 6/34
Patent ductus arteriosus 11.8% 4/34
Atria septal defect 8.8% 3/34
Bicuspid aortic valve 5.9% 2/34
Patent foramen ovale 5.9% 2/34
Tetralogy of Fallot 5.9% 2/34
Abnormal heart morphology 2.9% 1/34
Biventricular hypertrophy 2.9% 1/34
Coarctation of aorta 2.9% 1/34
Ebstein's anomaly of the tricuspid valve 2.9% 1/34
Heart murmur 2.9% 1/34
Left superior vena cava draining to coronary sinus 2.9% 1/34
Patent ductus arteriosus after birth at term 2.9% 1/34
Primum atrial septal defect 2.9% 1/34
Pulmonary artery hypoplasia 2.9% 1/34
Pulmonary artery stenosis 2.9% 1/34
Subaortic stenosis 2.9% 1/34
Supraventricular tachycardia 2.9% 1/34
Abnormality of the lungs 42.9% 9/21
Asthma 14.3% 3/21
Laryngomalacia 9.5% 2/21
Tracheomalacia 9.5% 2/21
Aspiration 4.8% 1/21
Choanal stenosis 4.8% 1/21
Pneumonia 4.8% 1/21
Pulmonary edema 4.8% 1/21
Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections 4.8% 1/21
Respiratory infections in early life 4.8% 1/21
Gastrointestinal abnormalities 48.7% 19/39
Feeding difficulties 23.1% 9/39
Gastroesophageal reflux 17.9% 7/39
Constipation 12.8% 5/39
Feeding difficulties in infancy 7.7% 3/39
Chronic constipation 5.1% 2/39
Abdominal pain 2.6% 1/39
Diarrhea 2.6% 1/39
Duodenal atresia 2.6% 1/39
Gastrostomy tube feeding in infancy 2.6% 1/39
Umbilical hernia 2.6% 1/39
Abnormality of the urogenital system 44.8% 13/29
Hydronephrosis 13.8% 4/29
Hypospadias 13.8% 4/29
Bilateral cryptorchidism 6.9% 2/29
Cryptorchidism 6.9% 2/29
Multicystic kidney dysplasia 6.9% 2/29
Uterus didelphys 6.9% 2/29
Abnormality of the penis 3.4% 1/29
Inguinal hernia 3.4% 1/29
Microphallus 3.4% 1/29
Micropenis 3.4% 1/29
Pyelonephritis 3.4% 1/29
Recurrent urinary tract infections 3.4% 1/29
Renal hypoplasia/aplasia 3.4% 1/29
Renal cyst 3.4% 1/29
Scrotal hypoplasia 3.4% 1/29
Unilateral renal hypoplasia 3.4% 1/29
Vesicoureteral reflux 3.4% 1/29
Skeletal abnormalities 64.6% 31/48
Arachnodactyly 8.3% 4/48
Clinodactyly of the 5th finger 8.3% 4/48
Scoliosis 6.3% 3/48
Delayed skeletal maturation 4.2% 2/48
Hip dysplasia 4.2% 2/48
Long fingers 4.2% 2/48
Overlapping toe 4.2% 2/48
Pes planus 4.2% 2/48
Short foot 4.2% 2/48
Short neck 4.2% 2/48
Small hand 4.2% 2/48
Tapered finger 4.2% 2/48
2-3 toe syndactyly 4.2% 2/48
Abnormality of the vertebrae 2.1% 1/48
Abnormality of the phalanges of the toes 2.1% 1/48
Broad ribs 2.1% 1/48
Broad toe 2.1% 1/48
Clinodactyly of the 5th toe 2.1% 1/48
Congenital muscular torticollis 2.1% 1/48
Cubitus valgus 2.1% 1/48
Enlarged thorax 2.1% 1/48
Flexion contracture of finger 2.1% 1/48
Hip dislocation 2.1% 1/48
Joint hypermobility 2.1% 1/48
Joint laxity 2.1% 1/48
Kyphoscoliosis 2.1% 1/48
Long palm 2.1% 1/48
Long toe 2.1% 1/48
Muscular hypotonia 2.1% 1/48
Pectus excavatum 2.1% 1/48
Postaxial hand polydactyly 2.1% 1/48
Progressive flexion contractures 2.1% 1/48
Recurrent fractures 2.1% 1/48
Short distal phalanx of finger 2.1% 1/48
Short phalanx of finger 2.1% 1/48
Short ribs 2.1% 1/48
Short metacarpal 2.1% 1/48
Short finger 2.1% 1/48
Short hallux 2.1% 1/48
Single transverse palmar crease 2.1% 1/48
Talipes equinovarus 2.1% 1/48
Thoracolumbar scoliosis 2.1% 1/48
Wide anterior fontanel 2.1% 1/48
4-5 finger syndactyly 2.1% 1/48
Skin / Hair / Nails    
Abnormality of the skin/hair/nails 46.7% 21/45
Cafe-au-lait spot 8.9% 4/45
Supernumerary nipple 8.9% 4/45
Aplastic/hypoplastic toenail 4.4% 2/45
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the nails 4.4% 2/45
Inverted nipples 4.4% 2/45
Nail dysplasia 4.4% 2/45
Small nail 4.4% 2/45
Sparse hair 4.4% 2/45
Abnormal number of hair whorls 2.2% 1/45
Bruising susceptibility 2.2% 1/45
Clinodactyly 2.2% 1/45
Frontal upsweep of hair 2.2% 1/45
Hyperconvex fingernails 2.2% 1/45
Hypertrichosis 2.2% 1/45
Hypoplastic fifth fingernail 2.2% 1/45
Hypoplastic toenails 2.2% 1/45
Hypoplastic fifth toenail 2.2% 1/45
Low anterior hairline 2.2% 1/45
Low posterior hairline 2.2% 1/45
Soft skin 2.2% 1/45
Endocrine / Immunological / Metabolic    
Abnormality of the endocrine system 14.3% 2/14
Cholestasis 7.1% 1/14
Hypoglycemia 7.1% 1/14
Hypothyroidism 7.1% 1/14
Abnormality of the immune system 27.8% 5/18
Otitis media 11.1% 2/18
Recurrent otitis media 11.1% 2/18
Recurrent infections 5.6% 1/18